There are only few species of the animal kingdom which eats their own kind. A recent study on Animal cannibalism, by few leading universities have revealed that the habit is nothing to do with hunger but predominantly a tactic of “survival of the fittest”, a very basic rule of the jungle. Removal of sick and wounded, eradication of competition to power, making sure best bread is remaining for reproduction are the main goals behind the instinct of killing own kind. Add to that, the recent study shows cannibalism leads to a startling fact, that own kind composes the best balance of nutrition, so a bite or two won’t go wasted anyway.
However, killing and eating other kinds is mostly determined by its positioning on the food chain and secondly to establish territory exhibiting sheer muscle power.
We humans are indeed a part of the same animal kingdom, whom have evolved through many years to master mind over basic instinct, which is also the clear demarcation between human and the rest of the animals.
Looking at the LTTE tactics over time makes an astonishing resemblance to the basic instincts of animals. LTTE happens to be the most successful terrorist organization in many ways. Leaving besides their pioneering destruction methods, global spread, financial and support networks, and ruthless achievement killing local and international leaders, the organization survived over 30 years and ruled 1/3 of Sri Lanka under one commandment. Needless to say, “eradication of competition to power” happens to be the beginnings of the success, proving basic instincts of raw nature surly works when put to work. Starting from Alfread Doreappa, the organization eliminated most of its rivals of own kind. This paved the way surfacing the group of few LTTE carders to a an army of thousands, whom declaring and remaining as the only group to lead the Tamils of North and East, including the Diaspora scattered around the world. Ruthless killing and elimination of the opponents, including civilians those who dare not to show loyalty is a sure call. Latest killings of innocent civilian tamils whom fled from LTTE human shield were became victims of this simple rule of the jungle.
Removal of sick and wounded may seems inhumane, but when it is observed within the basics of survival and dominance, nothing but adhering to the natural instincts of wild. In terms of a war tactic, it is proved to be effective too.
For the animal kingdom, remaining the best of bread for reproduction seems to be the ultimate goal, but when it comes to a militant group, same tactics are vital to reach their ultimate goal towards acquiring and dominating land and people, where human concepts such as democracy, respect and freedom is having little or no value on the face of dictatorship.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Tactical Information Technology and UAV (Unmanned Arial Vehicle)

The most intelligent decision made by the Sri Lanka Defense Forces on its war against terrorism, is close to wire and waves rather than metal and gun powder. Heavy artillery, Multi barrel rockets, supersonic jets, helicopter gunships and battle tanks were on limelight while an un-seen and unmatched workhouse providing intelligence and targets were hidden inside cables and waves in air.
Information technology seems to be a wolf in lamb skin, as the technology which uses to make your spreadsheet, corporate presentation, daily emails or documents is the best friend or worst enemy the way it is being used in the battle ground.
Three forces of Sri Lanka (SLA, SLN, SLAF) have recently upgraded its war machine with up-to-date technology, enable gathering, processing and disseminating tactical information digitally. Information Technology advancement has proven its capability with success stories within many battles fought around the world, including one of our own.
A simple hand held GPS to eyes in sky (digital satellite maps and real-time ground monitoring) has given the tactical advantage for pre-battle planning and preparations. Unmanned Arial Vehicles are being used to gather real-time ground information on video, which then be used to set and acquire accurate targets with the use of Global Positioning System, which proved lethal for the enemy. The short video clip you see on news, blowing up a target, is actually taken by a flying droid (UAV) with its onboard video camera. The videos are spectacular to view, when you are in the UAV side of the war, but not so entertaining for the enemy.
Those who visited “Dayata Kurula” exhibition had the chance of experiencing this cute toy for war, with the rare opportunity of visiting inside the control cabin with a basic introduction to the system.
For those who missed the opportunity, here is a second chance.
Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV), as its name suggests is a flying object without a human pilot, which comes in lot of shapes and sizes. Most common UAVs in use today are either modeled as a fixed wing plane or rotor wing helicopter. Unusual shapes and technologies are used in research labs for achieving efficiency and endurance, so it should not be a surprised for you if a flying sourcer (UFO) type UAV fly over your garden in few years time.
But for now, SLAF is having only Fixed Wing type UAVs deployed in actual battlegrounds, essentially meaning they are model airplanes. Supplier of these UAVs is Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI), while the model is “Searcher MK II”. IAI produces a range of UAVs and the one used by SLAF is not the latest, but a descent unit capable of what is being shown on your TV News almost daily basis.
Searcher MK II is a fixed wing, single engine airplane, which has the propeller in the back. Take-off can be done with a small ground run, or catapulted to air with a purpose built launching platform. A hand held remote control is used for the initial take-off, cursing for a safer height, where the control is then passed over to the dedicated mobile control room (cabin). With the displays, joystick and control buttons, rest of the navigation is purely a video game, with a little twist, where one single wrong move is enough to ditch million dollars in few seconds.
This type of UAV is capable of flying autonomous with a pre-set flying path, using the GPS positioning, while a ground controller can takeover flying of the unit at anytime. SLDF prefers to fly this manually, most of the time, since it has greater control over the geographic area of interest. Over 200KM flying range with 16 hours of continuous flying is possible, but the manual flight control is safer within 50Km radius. Once the ground control signal is lost (communication failure), the UAV is intelligent enough to return home autonomously, while the hand-held remote controller can take the unit down safely.
Payload for the UAV varies, having Video Camera is the most common and known to the general public. However, Thermal Imaging (FLIR), Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and a host of other sensors can be mounted upto a 100Kg of total payload weight.
Product specification for Searcher MK II states that;
• Endurance 20 hr.
• Range 300 km
• Altitude 23,000 ft
Technical Data
• Max. take-off weight 436 kg
• Max. payload weight 120 kg
• Overall length 5.85 m
• Wingspan 8.55 m
Friday, February 13, 2009
Asia Digest - In Defence Of A Nation

From Asia Digest newsletter:
We are also planning on printing 150,000 copies of this issue to be given to the soldiers of the Sri Lanka Army as a life time memento. This special issue will have the special Forces story translated in Sinhala as well.
If you would like ot sponsor a magazine or more… please call 0712 759 999, 0716 768 888 or 0716 666 555AVAILABLE AT
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Zone for Safety
Sri Lanka defense forces declared a new safe zone on 12th February, shifting the existing zone of the bloodiest battle in Sri Lankan war history. The new refuge is a 12-kilometre strip along Sri Lanka's northeast coast where many civilians have already fled, Military spokesman Brig. Udaya Nanayakkara said.
While international bodies operating in the war zone claims both parties have shelled and endangered (sometimes killed) civilians within the previous safe-zone, Government of Sri Lanka denies all accusation. LTTE, on the other hand denies their involvement on Civilian deaths, as always. The previous safe-zone was geographically located in a death-zone, where battle progressed surrounding the area. Evacuation of people, or rather fleeing to Government controlled real-safe-zones was a game of death for most woman and children naturally.
Adding to the terror for those who wanted to flee, LTTE accused for open firing, since strategically loosing human count is a heavy loss for the LTTE. Following is an excerpt from WashingtonPost today “Trying to quiet her crying infant son, the young mother grabbed her 11-year-old's hand and told him to follow her. Starting out at dusk, they spent hours hiding in the jungle terrain, crouching amid the crossfire between the Sri Lankan army and Tamil Tiger rebels. Like thousands of other civilians stuck in the epicenter of the seemingly final battles of this civil war, Sashi Kumari Selvarajha's family was struggling to flee through marshlands and across the front lines, hoping for safety, she said through tears. But just as they crossed the line, she said, rebel forces open fired.”
The location of the earlier safe-zone was indeed a death trap for those who seek refuge, since of the vulnerability and in-accessibility due to the reasons mentioned. The new safe-zone brings new hopes for the civilians, where as it is strategically important to SL government, both diplomatically and militarily.
The strip encompassing the last remaining costal area for the LTTE, which is only connected from one place to the land. Nanthikadal Lagoon and some small lagoon waters surrounds most of the western side of the strip, while the land-connecting part can be sean as a small corridor for access.
UN and ICRC now has a safe passage to move civilians from the sea assisted by Navy, or by crossing the small gap of lagoon towards Mulathiv. Sources says most of the civilians are now flocked to this area naturally, since of avoiding the battlegrounds, even before the area is declared as the new safe-zone.
Though the geography is advantages for Civilian evacuation, the area is not-so-forgiving for the LTTE. An island like landmass is the last place any militant would like to settle, unless for his dying moment. This gives a strategic advantage for the SLDF to en-cage the remaining tigers into the safe-zone, where they are not entitled to go into, technically. According to battle veterans, the Tigers will not stand a chance if they fell into the trap, which is becoming eminent. However, as history proved, LTTE will not hesitate to play its last card, the Civilians, in case of emergency, which is the current status of LTTE anyway.
While international bodies operating in the war zone claims both parties have shelled and endangered (sometimes killed) civilians within the previous safe-zone, Government of Sri Lanka denies all accusation. LTTE, on the other hand denies their involvement on Civilian deaths, as always. The previous safe-zone was geographically located in a death-zone, where battle progressed surrounding the area. Evacuation of people, or rather fleeing to Government controlled real-safe-zones was a game of death for most woman and children naturally.
Adding to the terror for those who wanted to flee, LTTE accused for open firing, since strategically loosing human count is a heavy loss for the LTTE. Following is an excerpt from WashingtonPost today “Trying to quiet her crying infant son, the young mother grabbed her 11-year-old's hand and told him to follow her. Starting out at dusk, they spent hours hiding in the jungle terrain, crouching amid the crossfire between the Sri Lankan army and Tamil Tiger rebels. Like thousands of other civilians stuck in the epicenter of the seemingly final battles of this civil war, Sashi Kumari Selvarajha's family was struggling to flee through marshlands and across the front lines, hoping for safety, she said through tears. But just as they crossed the line, she said, rebel forces open fired.”
The location of the earlier safe-zone was indeed a death trap for those who seek refuge, since of the vulnerability and in-accessibility due to the reasons mentioned. The new safe-zone brings new hopes for the civilians, where as it is strategically important to SL government, both diplomatically and militarily.
The strip encompassing the last remaining costal area for the LTTE, which is only connected from one place to the land. Nanthikadal Lagoon and some small lagoon waters surrounds most of the western side of the strip, while the land-connecting part can be sean as a small corridor for access.
UN and ICRC now has a safe passage to move civilians from the sea assisted by Navy, or by crossing the small gap of lagoon towards Mulathiv. Sources says most of the civilians are now flocked to this area naturally, since of avoiding the battlegrounds, even before the area is declared as the new safe-zone.
Though the geography is advantages for Civilian evacuation, the area is not-so-forgiving for the LTTE. An island like landmass is the last place any militant would like to settle, unless for his dying moment. This gives a strategic advantage for the SLDF to en-cage the remaining tigers into the safe-zone, where they are not entitled to go into, technically. According to battle veterans, the Tigers will not stand a chance if they fell into the trap, which is becoming eminent. However, as history proved, LTTE will not hesitate to play its last card, the Civilians, in case of emergency, which is the current status of LTTE anyway.
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